“Humdinger” GBR4183 International H Boat


The International H Boat is a 28ft GRP one design fin keelboat, primarily raced in Northern Europe on lakes and estuaries, with a strong Class organisation to support owners and Class racing, https://h-boat.org/en/.

Humdinger was brought over to the UK in 2015 and was adapted for IRC racing, rated at 0.832 in 2023. Humdinger was then raced with some notable success at Mersea SC and later at Dartmouth SC. Humdinger was then brought to Ramsgate in 2023.

Humdinger is in very good condition and has an inventory ready to go racing or cruising.

Three suits of sails and two spinnakers. Outboard motor available by separate negotiation.

It is currently on its road trailer, shed stored and available to view nr Canterbury, Kent.

LOA      8.23m

Beam  2.1m

Yr            1995

Profile Fin keel

Draft    1.37m

Berths 4

Wt          1.5T


£10,500 (including road trailer)


Gary Walters
