Sonata Race Report W/L 30-09-23

And here is a little report of the days antics:

30th September. The name of the game windward leewards. 

Crews assembled on a beautiful day with light winds and a warm breeze (well warm for the time of year). 

After chugging down river to the course area between folly and darnet fort we had a small delay whilst the race officer set up the course. A simple upwind, downwind affair. 

We were privileged to be joined by some of the now former national champs who took out silver lining for a spin as their own sadly neglected ride sits unloved in the car park!!! 

Race 1 

All got off cleanly for 2 laps off the course. A well contested but uneventful race saw silver lining take line honours followed by Watersong and then Blue Tack. 

Race 2 

Another clean start by all, 3 laps was the distance this time. Again, reasonably uneventful until everyone crossed the line after lap 2. No-one appeared to have noticed the race had been shortened and there was much confusion amongst crews, have we done 3 laps already? is it over? Have they finished a different race.  

This time Screwloose got the victory with Blue Tack in 2nd and Watersong third.  

Race 3 

All to play for, Watersong, Screwloose and Blue tack all on 5 points with silver lining 1 point behind.  

Once more a clean start, however this time out of nowhere thistle led the pack up to the windward mark.  

However, Skipper deploying their tactic of sticking to the east of the course and barrelling in kamikaze on port tack to the windward mark finally paid off and put them ahead of everyone. 

By now the tide had turned and this caught out most boats at the windward mark. So much so that when we on Blue tack tried to squeeze in between Screwloose and the mark there was only going to be one outcome and we hit the mark.  

At the windward mark on the 2nd lap, this time all on our own we hit the mark again with much jeering and laughter from silver lining just behind.  

They got their comeuppance when karma struck, and they too hit the mark doing a very impressive 180 seemingly attached to it and ended up pointing the wrong way around completely.  

By the third time we got to the windward mark, Watersong had an unassailable lead and Skipper followed them home. 

The battle for 3Rd and 4th was between Screwloose and thistle with Blue tack despite 2 penalty turns, hot on their heels only a boat length or so further back.  

There was a lot of flappy sails and shouting from captain kirk on Screwloose that could be heard back in the clubhouse, and we and Thistle thought that was our chance, but the crew of screw-up got it all back together and they got 3rd place. 

A good day had by all, Watersong not their usual dominant self. Clearly missing Botters, or was it Richard’s inability to concentrate on anything other than whether to wear his coat or not.  I swear every time we crossed, he had changed his mind.  

Final results:

!st – Watersong

2nd – Screwloose

3rd – Blue tack

Then Silver Lining, Skipper Thistle and Munchkin

All in all, some great close racing and having motored back we even managed to beat (for once) Watersong to the bar. 

See you all out on the water next time. 

ForeDug out.