Race Reports from 29th April

Saturday 29th April

Wayfarer Race Report

It was a rather balmy day with an easterly of 8 – 10 knots some would say champagne sailing and was certainly the case after the result.  The fleet set off with Chris & Kerry in Ubique setting the early pace followed by Mark & Sarah in Loose knots with its first outing of the season.  Richard & Catherine in Moufflé also first outing gave chase to Loose knots in third place, with the next two boats Philip & Guy in Knot Rushin and Mike & Peter in Wild Thing 2 closely battling for 4th & 5th place.
72 was the course being sailed which took the fleet down to 23 back to 29 then 23 and then home with a few wiggles in the middle.
Moufflé challenged Loose Knots hard during the first part of the race to no avail having to change tack ticks by sailing into the middle of the river after Folly Point to eventually gain the place and start to chase Ubique for the lead.   Knot Rushin and Wild Thing 2 during this time exchanged places several times.
The fleet settled into these positions for the run and the next beat, it then came to the final spinnaker run for home when Moufflé challenged Ubique and obtained the lead at 24, this lead was close and they battled up the south shore of Hoo Island with no rest for the spinnaker operators as the jostling started to get serious.  At this point Loose Knots was unchallenged in third and was making inroads into the leaders as they distracted each other.
It was only at Heartbreak reach did Moufflé finally confirm the lead with some daylight between them and Ubique, Loose Knots had closed the gap but not enough to take a place.  Knot Rushin did overtake Wild Thing 2 on the run to move up one place.
The finish line saw the fleet finish in the following order Moufflé, Ubique, Loose Knots, Knot Rushin & Wild Thing 2.    A really lovely sail with close competition for all at some point and being the first win for Moufflé this season bubbles were the order of the day, it really did turn out to be Champagne after sailing !

Dragon Race Report

Weather looking better than forecast, a fair workable North east becoming easterly breeze, no rain and a midday low water.  The course was set 18P, 17P, AutP, 18P, 17P, 24S, 29P, 26P, F Upnor line.  Five dragons on the start line for the 1340 go. Nip and tuck all the way, searching for the wind shifts and back eddies resulting in the lead boat continuously changed for ~ 6 miles to the first buoy 18, the downriver windward mark.  Reaching away to the spreader mark and a short downwind leg before coming back on the wind.  Rounding 17 for the second time, lots of concentration now required for the run up river, as we navigate through the other three racing fleets coming towards us.  Even with the wind and tide pushing you along Cockham (Heart break) reach never fails to stress test the crews.  After ~ 14miles in two n half hours the fleet finishes only seconds apart; 2secs, 6secs, 8 and 10secs between them at Upnor line MYC.

Results; Gandalf, Taniwah, Suti, OCD, Molly.


Squib Race Report

On Saturday course 72 was chosen & 4 boats came line. SC, MB, Legend (Lg) and Avocet (Av). Av only just making the start with less than a minute to go but managed to take the lead. MB was looking good as they raced off towards 31 soon to realise that their course sheet was 2 years out of date and course 72 had been amended! Av led from LG and    SC until LG took the lead for a few moments as we all rounded 23 for the second time. Av, LG and SC all had kite issues but Av managed to get a slight lead again and positioned stayed the same to the line with Av winning just ahead of LG and SC with MB coming home 4th. I thoroughly enjoyed the race (apart from the pressure from the other close boats) so you know that the winds were light to medium. Perfect!—